During this unprecedented time, I want to reach out to our chapter with a simple Thank you. Thank you for stepping up to serve our local communities through this challenging time. Thank you for the number of tireless hours you have put in to plan and provide care while keeping staff, physicians, and patients safe. Thank you for your unwavering leadership and your steadfast commitment to your staff and employees. If anyone hasn’t said thank you to you, then let me be the first and ideally not the last.

Our Chapter is lucky to count in its membership such an incredibly talented, dedicated and passionate group of leaders. In the past months our organizations where we work and communities we serve and live in, have been transformed by COVID-19. We undoubtedly shall overcome this.

One question I have been asked is “How can integrity be practised”? My answer lies in one core concept. It can indeed be nurtured via modelling of kindness, empathy and mentorship.

As I shared with you in my initial message in January, a key strategic priority for this year is the completion of a refreshed strategic plan. The current three year strategic plan was minted in 2018 by the Chapter Board and requires a renewal. Guy Bourbonniere– Chapter Vice Chair has been leading this critical process. He is using the most recent membership engagement survey results with a goal to establish a clear, compelling and actionable strategic direction and priorities that will guide the Chapter over the coming three years.

I look forward to seeing many of you hopefully soon and reflecting on our challenges, successes, and growth we have all experienced in these formative times.

On behalf of myself and the Chapter Board, thank you again for the compassion and leadership you have shown to our communities when they needed it most. We understand the sacrifices, both personally and professionally you have made to your organizations. We are profoundly proud for all you have done.

Stay strong and stay healthy

Warmly and with deepest appreciation.

Todd Stepanuik



Chapter Chair