ACHE Canadian Chapter Annual Business Meeting

I am pleased to announce that the Chapter annual business meeting (ABM) will be held on Friday, March 6, 2020, beginning at 1200 Eastern time.

The main purpose of our Business Meeting will be to review the 2019 annual activities of the Canadian Chapter, to present the Board, Officers and Committee Chairs for 2020, approve the financial statements, share plans for 2020, presentation of Committee reports, etc

We have reserved 60 minutes for the meeting. After the Board presents the reports there will be ample opportunity afforded for the membership to ask questions.

Please mark down the date and time. The Board is looking forward to your participation. A reminder, mid- February, will be sent along with the call-in information. The agenda and supporting materials (meeting package) will be forwarded to at least one week prior to the ABM.

Should you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Thank you,



Todd Stepanuik
Chair – Canadian Chapter of ACHE