Dear fellow members of the Canadian Chapter of ACHE:
It’s that time of year again when we begin looking ahead to next year and undertake the nominations process for the Board of Directors of the Canadian Chapter of ACHE is accepting nominations to the Board of Directors. All Canadian Chapter of ACHE members who wish to run for election must submit a Letter of Intent to Frances Roesch, Regent and Chair, Nominations Committee at by midnight on October 7, 2020.
Elections will be held in the following jurisdictions:
West – 2 positions
West includes: British Columbia/Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba/Northwest Territory/Yukon Territory/Nunavut
East – 2 positions
East includes: Quebec/New Brunswick/Nova Scotia/Prince Edward Island/Newfoundland and Labrador
Please note:
- Interested individuals must be Members or Fellows in good standing with ACHE to be eligible for nomination.
- Individuals must be living or working in the jurisdiction in which they are seeking nomination
- Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by any Affiliate of the Canadian Chapter of ACHE
- Directors will be elected by the Chapter Affiliates working in the respective jurisdictions.
- Affiliates are assigned to a jurisdiction based on their preferred mailing address with ACHE. Affiliates who are uncertain about their membership status, jurisdiction or would like additional information about the responsibilities of a Director may contact Frances Roesch, FACHE, Chair, Nominations Committee, Canadian Chapter of ACHE at
- Directors will each serve a three-year term on the Chapter Board of Directors beginning January 1, 2021.
For more details on the nominations process and to find the Letter of Intent please visit the Canadian Chapter of ACHE website at If you have any questions about the process and or the role of Director, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It’s a great opportunity to support the growth and future directions of our chapter!
Best regards,
Frances C. Roesch, M.H.A., FACHE
Regent for Canada
Chair, Nominations Committee
(905) 521-2100, 76899