This official notice serves as the beginning of the election process to select new Directors to serve on the Canadian Chapter of ACHE Board of Directors, the body that represents ACHE’s affiliates in Canada. Service as an elected official is a unique opportunity to exercise your leadership ability, share innovative ideas, and act on behalf of fellow Canadian ACHE members.
The intent of the Chapter Board of Directors is to have a balanced representation of a broad geography across Canada, based on the ability for members to actively serve on the Board of Directors and Committees. The individual is expected to reside in the region they are applying to represent. Board meetings are held monthly at the call of the Chair, and Directors are requested to perform other duties as discussed at the Executive level.
All Canadian Chapter of ACHE members who wish to run for election must submit a Letter of Intent to Danielle Swerhone, Regent & Chair Nominations Committee electronically at by 5 pm MST, Friday, December 14, 2018. When submitting the letter of intent please use this form. If you have submitted your letter of intent electronically, and you have not received confirmation that it was acknowledged by December 13, 2018, please contact Danielle Swerhone at
Elections will be held in the following jurisdictions:
● Alberta – 1 position
● Manitoba/Saskatchewan/NWT/YK/Nunavut – 1 position
● Ontario – 2 positions
● Quebec – 1 position
● PEI/NB/NS/NFLD & Labrador – 1 position
Key Dates
● November 5, 2018 – December 14, 2018 Nominations Period
● December 14, 2018 1700 hours ( MST) Nominations Close
● January 4 – 20, 2019 In the event of multiple candidates in one region, an election will occur of the membership in that area. Elections in Ontario; PEI/NB/NS/NFLD & Labrador; Alberta;MB/Sask/NWT/YK/Nunavut; Quebec.
● March , 2019, Term for Elected Directors begins after the Annual Business Meeting.
Please note:
● All incumbents are eligible for re-election
● Interested individuals must be Members, Fellows or Life Fellows in good standing with ACHE to be eligible for nomination.
● Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by any Affiliate of the Canadian Chapter of ACHE
● Individuals must be working/ living in the jurisdiction in which they are seeking nomination
● Directors will be elected by the Chapter Affiliates working in the respective jurisdictions.
● Affiliates are assigned to a jurisdiction based on their business address. Affiliates who are uncertain about their membership status, jurisdiction or would like additional information about the responsibilities of a Director may contact Danielle Swerhone, Chair, Nominations Committee, Canadian Chapter of ACHE at
● New Directors will each serve a two-year term on the Chapter Board of Directors beginning March, 2019 at the ABM.Canadian Chapter of ACHE 2019 Board of Directors Election Notice[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]