As we enter yet another month of the challenges of this pandemic, the board and I cannot help but be proud of the resiliency of our healthcare leaders across ourACHE Chapter. Change has always been a part of what we traverse as healthcare leaders, but never at this frequency or pace. It seems that throughout this pandemic change has come to us daily at times, if not hourly. As leaders in our respective healthcare organizations, we must adapt to this change, communicate this change, and own this change. And in this change, we become stronger leaders and stronger spokespersons for our industry.
Like many of you, my last six months have been filled with many emotions – worry and concern for the economy; fear for family, friends and colleagues; prayers for our political leaders to make the right decisions regarding COVID; and genuine gratitude for those who have displayed genuine caring, selfless action and leadership.
Just as individuals and organizations have adapted to change, so has the Canadian Chapter of American College of Healthcare Executives. As healthcare leaders move forward and adapt to the changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering the opportunity to receive ACHE Face-to-Face Education credits from your home or office. Virtua
l Face-to-Face Courses are being offered on a variety of timely healthcare leadership topics and consist of pre-course surveys and assessments, discussion board conversations and scheduled virtual live sessions. Further information will be shared as this is being led by our Program Committee.
The Chapter board has been working diligently in reviewing the Chapter statement (policy) regarding Diversity and Inclusion. One of my goals for the board this year was to refresh the 2014 document. The Policy and Procedure Working Group was tasked with performing a stern to stern review of the document. As a result, the Board has recently ratified an updated Inclusion and Diversity Policy. It may be found on the chapter website. We embrace inclusion and diversity within the healthcare management field and recognizes that priority as both an ethical and business imperative. As we know our Canadian population, labour market and workforce demographics have changed substantially over the years. We are a more diverse, vibrant and heterogeneous country than ever before. I encourage you to check out the new policy which can be found on the Chapter website at
Thank you for everything you are doing in your organizations and communities to improve and maintain the health of those you serve.
Stay safe. Stay Healthy.
Todd Stepanuik
Chapter Chair